Thursday, January 5, 2012

Week 1: Upside Down

Week 1: Upside Down.

I actually found this topic a little more challenging than I had expected.  I had a few different ideas that I discarded along the way.  I spent yesterday at the park with my youngest watching her hang upside down from the monkey bars doing various tricks ~ including 'the koala'.  Although we had a ball together and I got some fabulous photos of her I just wasn't feeling any of them for this project.  Then, this morning, I was enjoying a cup of coffee looking out my front door and that is when I knew I had to photograph our gnome that hangs upside down from our birch tree.  He was a silly gift to my husband from my mom.  (Steve insists on collecting gnomes and my mom insists on helping him along with his collection; they are in cahoots together just to tease me.) 

Have a super week.  Thanks for following along and I can't wait to share next week's image with you.

Erica xx

First, above all things, I would like to apologize to our viewers for being a day late on my post.  Yesterday was a whirlwind of events which were topped off by the unexpected failure of not being able to long onto the internet.  Today is a new day, and after waiting (not so patiently), the technician finally came to save the day.  Hallelujah!  I would have to agree with Erica, that this topic proved to be a little more challenging than what we had imagined.  After much brainstorming and several attempts, "upside down" got the best of me.  One could spend hours flipping the image in their mind, to what they may believe to be right side up.  But what is right side up?  If the topic is upside down, wouldn't the resulting image be right side up to begin with?

Thanks for checking in and can't wait until next weeks post!


Coming up next week:  Week 2 - Technology

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Lynette and Erica